Want to give your jeans or sweatshirt a new touch to make it look stylish? Then be ready to learn how to iron on patches as the addition of these patches would provide a unique and the funkiest touch to your garment.
These patches could easily be fixed to the apparel you desire by pressing them on the cloth with an iron. There are certain techniques of ironing on patches without which it may be difficult for you to adhere it to the dress.
What is ironing on Patches? Why is it Necessary?
Patches are the embroidered attachments that are usually fixed on garments or other fabrics for different purposes. They may be fixed to give your object a funky or stylish look, it is sometimes mandatory for the uniforms of students or any officers. These are backed with an adhesive that can be stacked only with ironing. Fixing it with iron gives it a neat and proper look.
Follow these Steps to Fix the Patch Appropriately
This article would provide you the ultimate guidance to make you learn the right way of adhering the patch to the garment or any fabric.
Step#1 Pick the Iron-On Patch
Before you start up with the ironing make sure that the patch you have purchased is the iron-on patch. This is vital because there are different types of patches available in the market, such as the Velcro which will not attach with ironing. You can recognize the iron-on patch with its shiny back. It only gets attached when heat is applied.
Step#2 Prepare the Ironing Setup
Now as you are going to start this task set your iron and ironing board. If there is no ironing board then make one by having a surface of blankets. Make sure the surface is flat and heat-resistant. Also, make sure that the garment you have picked to attach the patch on is already ironed.
Step#3 Position the Patch
Till the time your iron is heating up, lay your garment or any fabric you are going to fix the patch on, on the ironing board. Subsequently, outline the exact position you are going to attach the patch on. Now keep the patch on that position. Remember once you have ironed on the patch, you may not change the position. So, do it correctly the first time.
Step#4 Set the Temperature
Next you have to plug-in the iron and allow it to heat. Set the temperature of iron at the highest as it is suitable for the thick patches. Must read the care label as some materials can be sensitive to high-temperature. You have to be extra cautious while working on them.
Step#5 Keeping a Cloth
Now without messing up with the position of the patch, place a thin cloth of a size of handkerchief over the patch. This is essential especially for the sensitive fabrics, such as silk or leather. The direct contact must be avoided as you are going to press it with pressure which may lead to ugly iron marks on your material.
Step#6 Start the Press
As your iron is fully heated, start ironing by holding the iron and keeping it above the patch. Now unlike other ironing methods, you have to just press the iron on the patch firmly with as much pressure as you can so that the adhesive on the back side of the patch can stick to the fabric. You have to keep it in place for almost 15 to 20 seconds.
Step#7 The Next Press
In this step you have to change the position of the iron. It is better to do it in a downward direction. This is necessary so that the patch from all sides can get completely glued to the fabric. You have to execute this step for almost 10 seconds.
Step#8 Allow it to Cool
Now allow the patch to be cooled so that after it you can check if your intended task of adhering the patch to the fabric is successful or not. You cannot check the patch while it is still very hot.
Step#9 Check the Patch
With your hands, gently check the edges of the patch if they are fully adhered. Try to lift the patch with your fingers. If it is not coming out easily means it is appropriately adhered. And do not worry if you are not successful the first time, you can always repeat it. Now you just have to sew it in the fabric.
Tip to Remember
It is possible that the patch you have attached may become loosened after some time or after multiple washes. In that case you have to iron on it again which is not very difficult. But still to keep it lasting, make sure to wash it with your own hands in warm water rather than a washing machine.
What Fabrics are Good or Bad for the Patches?
Good news is you can always slay on your denim jeans and cotton dresses with the attached patches as these two fabrics work the best with the iron-on patches. Polyester may also work well with the patches, still you have to be careful with it as it may cause burn or discoloration due to the high-temperatures. Fabrics like leather and silk are not the good candidates and should be dealt with extra care.
Can I Remove the Iron-On Patches?
Yes definitely! It is quite easier to remove the iron-on patches as there are different adhesive removers available in the market. It is also possible with the application of heat. So, whenever you feel like that you want a new patch on your jeans, you can easily remove the former and iron the new one.
Final Words
Fixing the patches on any fabric is not a difficult task but it might be a little tricky. You must know how to deal with different fabrics. Also, reading the care labels helps a lot when it comes to fixing these patches. This article must have helped you a lot in comprehending the right way to iron a patch on any fabric.

I am a content strategist and the administrator of this website. Professionally, I am an assistant Electronics professor at the University of Chester. I love to read about my profession and have a lot of interest in various home electronics appliances. Freely contact us if you have any queries regarding steam irons and other electronic devices.